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Fram Marine takes the industrial digitalization head on by expanding the team

Navigating the uncharted waters of industrial digitalization requires thinking new. Fram Marine welcomes Henrik Paust to the team to help deliver on client’s digital ambitions.




Ane Viaene Engebretsen

The industry is currently facing two major transitions, namely the energy transition and the digital transition. The global economic growth and these industries are currently dependent on fossil fuel, contributing to climate change. To reduce the impact on the environment an energy transition, seeking a lower carbon path is ongoing. This energy transition is happening in parallel and interconnected with a rapid development of digital solutions. There are currently many different understandings of what digitalization is and why and where it should be implemented.

To ensure that Fram Marine reinforces the digital transformation aspect into the holistic way of solving the client’s challenges, the team has been expanded with new competence. The latest addition to the team; Henrik Paust has a master’s degree in Maritime Cybernetics, and multiple years’ experience from data science, cloud technology platforms and digital business development.

Fram Marine has an extensive track record delivering technical and business value for the maritime, energy and oil & gas industry. We are pleased to strengthen our services within digitalization by welcoming Henrik. His broad insight in digital solutions and proficient approach makes him a highly valuable complement to the team, and a considerable asset in developing Fram Marines deliverables , says Ane Viaene Engebretsen, CEO in Fram Marine AS.

By combining the in-depth knowledge about these industries with digital competence, Fram Marine is in position to successfully help businesses move into the industrial digitalization era. Henrik is an ideal example of this;

From my previous experience I have been working towards digitalisation in the more high-tech IT focused industries. Many of them, already quite digital. I’m very excited to join Fram Marine and the maritime industry at this moment. There is a great shift towards employing digital solutions to improve the operational efficiency in the industry, and our clients are definitely putting this topic high on their agenda

“Approaching the digital transformation with deep industry know-how and focus on delivering business value I believe is vital to ensure successful outcomes.  Digital transformations can be overwhelming, and exhaustive if not broken down into manageable pieces”

Digitalization in asset-heavy industries like shipping and oil & gas are challenging. The complexity of the projects, and for many projects having to deal with legacy systems make it demanding to execute digital transformations. With the overwhelming development of technological solutions, one can also get too engaged in the technology itself and forget the focus on delivering business value.

“An integrated team with deep knowledge about the clients’ solutions and how they operate combined with digital expertise is the best recipe to success when introducing digital solutions”

Approaching the digital transformation with deep industry know-how and focus on delivering business value I believe is vital to ensure successful outcomes. Digital transformations can be overwhelming, and exhaustive if not broken down into manageable pieces, where the outcome from each will contribute to measurable results. An integrated team with deep knowledge about the clients’ solutions and how they operate combined with digital expertise is the best recipe to success when introducing digital solutions.

The industry is collecting enormous amounts of data every second and being able to extract decision support from this data can lead to substantial improvements in how operations are run today. With the increased connectivity there are also new challenges which must be addressed. Henrik elaborates;

In addition to focusing on value-adding solutions, I believe there are some key factors which has to be of focus all the way. One must be able to build a data foundation as you go. Having a proper foundation which allows you to scale your applications as you move along will likely be the factor which gives the highest return in the future. Overlooking attention to the foundation can cause a build-up of technical debt which inhibits further development. Secondly, digitalization enforces new ways of working, and to successfully leverage the opportunities I believe a solid focus on having everyone pulling in the same direction will increase your chance of success. Finally, increased connectivity of your asset equipment will require companies to have comprehensive understanding of how to best secure their infrastructure from cyber-threats. Safety assessments has expanded into the digital space.

Together with the experienced team in Fram Marine, Henrik is looking forward to support clients in identifying where digital solutions can contribute to building a more efficient industry.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more about how we can help your business boost your digital initiatives.

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